The Amy and Ruth Keane Foundation for Women
"We're here for professional women when they need it the most."

Needing Help

Storm Clouds gather in everyone's life ... they come with living life. But for the professional who renders service and their skills; storm clouds are hard to imagine. In reality, everyone experiences difficulties in their life that bring fear, uncertainty and the need for help.
Needing help can seem difficult to accept, especially for professional women. What should be understood is that help comes in many different ways, for example:
Being able to talk to another professional about current difficulties.
Short term assistance when a medical situation strikes.
Or, simply having someone ask the question that soothes the soul, "Can I help?"
Remember that needing help is intrinsic to the situation and difficult circumstances (although temporary) that happen in life. The Amy and Ruth Keane Foundation for Women is here to offer help and support when it's need most.