The Amy and Ruth Keane Foundation for Women
"We're here for professional women when they need it the most."

How We Help

The Amy and Ruth Keane Foundation for Women fulfills its mission to help professional women by:
1. Providing reliable resources and programs that will offer support to professional women who are experiencing difficult times.
2. Empowering professional women through our network of professionals who will provide:
Support and assistance with an emphasis on rehabilitation
Financial assistance and restructuring
Assistance when there is a medical crisis
Help with temporary housing
Mental health counseling
Continued or refresher education in areas of expertise or new interest
Self-esteem training to instill pride and self-confidence
Spiritual guidance and awareness for emotional healing
Workshops, seminars and group discussions
Our open-hearts and understanding minds to help restore pride and dignity
The Amy and Ruth Keane Foundation for Women
"We're here for professional women when they need it the most!"